We are excited to announce that PTI USA will be holding intra-party elections across the USA in July 2017. We are looking to work with our members to run a Membership Drive in order to organize PTI USA quickly and efficiently. A well-organized PTI USA will have the ability to strengthen Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf during the critical period leading up to the General Elections in Pakistan.

Member Coordinator (MC)

In order to conduct a successful intra-party election, we have to increase our paid membership base. We challenge you to become a Member Coordinator (MC) in your City/State for PTI USA by getting 20 or more people to sign up and become paid members of PTI USA online

Once you have the backing of 20+ members and are appointed an MC, why not consider contesting the intra-party election and coming onto your local Chapter Board to promote the manifesto of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and actively help with fundraising for your Kaptaan!

Intra-Party Elections

While we work to refine the details and the standard operating procedures (SOPs), here is a brief overview of what to expect in the months and weeks leading up to the intra-party election date of22nd July, 2017.

  1. Paying members of PTI USA can vote in the upcoming elections
  2. Paying members of PTI USA will be eligible to contest elections
  3. Elections will be conducted at a "Chapter" level.
  4. A City or State may form a Chapter if it has 200 or more paying members
  5. Based on the data collected during the membership drive period, Chapter demarcation will be finalized and announced by the Board at the end of the membership drive
  6. Each Chapter Board will have three elected positions: President, Vice President, and General Secretary
  7. There will be a $100 non-refundable nomination fee for each of the three positions

Intra-Party Elections
NO Activity Deadline

01 Membership Drive Cut-off Date 06-30-2017
02 Chapter Demarcation Announcement 07-03-2017
03 Candidate Nomination Cut-off Date 07-10-2017
04 Candidate List Announcement 07-13-2017
05 Election Day 07-22-2017
06 Results Announcements 07-23-2017

PTI USA LLC Board members

  • Mr. Sajjad Burki (President)(281) 236 9492
  • Dr. Mohammad Razaq, (Director /Treasurer)Tel: (909) 525-2504
  • Dr. Aftab Hussain (VP) Tel: (571) 432-9136
  • Mr. Ali Asim Khan (Secretary Information) Tel:(908) 248 2746
  • Mr. Qamar Zaman Khan (Director) (415) 418-9755
  • Ms. Kulsoom Syed (Director) (202) 569 0790
  • Mr. Fasial Irshad (Director) (917) 536 6126
  • Ms. Sherry Khan (General Secretary)Tel: (562) 528-6989